Monday, January 14, 2013

Kickass Movie Scene List #92: Memento

I was going to do some sort of ridiculous "post-in-reverse" gimmick for this post, since it's for Memento, but it would've been lame, so I nixed it.

The movie ends up being remembered far more for its unorthodox narrative structure than its actual narrative. I suppose that's fair, but as far as gimmicks go, it's an interesting one, and I was able to watch the movie again - knowing what happens - and enjoying it all the same.

I could've picked the "I'm chasing him/no, he's chasing me" part, because that part always makes me laugh. I could've gone with the ending/beginning. Instead, I went with Leonard and Natalie having a very uncivil disagreement.

"Find a pen"

Natalie's character has always been a Finally, about halfway through the movie, the whole truth comes to light. She utterly despises Leonard, and is going to take personal pleasure in using his condition (has he told you about it?) for her own devices.

What happens after the punch is what makes the scene. Natalie calmly walks out to her car, as Leonard struggles to jot down the details what happened before his fleeting memory loses grip of them. The music underscoring the scene heightens the tension until... it's gone.


  1. Yeah, Carrie Ann-Moss can call me a retard whenever she wants.

  2. I have subscribed to your blog several times, but try as I might, I can't get email alerts. Luckily, I showed up and found that you're as slow as ever, so no problem. I'll just pick up where I left off.

    I've always thought this movie was hugely overrated, but you certainly plucked the best scene out of it. I loved the acting throughout, but her cold threatening look at him through the dashboard as he searches remains my favorite bit in the whole thing.
