Last week, I pulled a rather surprising immunity on the final challenge of the game and eliminated the previously untouchable Matt Novak, leaving Beau and I clear to the finals. We each wrote a concept 'plea', as opposed to the standard "you should vote for me because" normalcy. Then we waited.
Last night, with both finalists, both judges, and a number of other players and well-wishers in attendance at Old Chicago in Apple Valley, we concluded Survivor X. A great time was had by all (I hope I'm not going out on a limb in saying that, it seemed like everyone had a pretty awesome time). Spooky read off the results live, and we proceeded to chat about everything Survivor and Werewolf related for the duration of the evening (and beyond, actually, a group of us didn't leave even after the bar closed, opting to stand in the parking lot and continue or conversation).
So... that leaves the results. I won't go over the vote comments themselves, for that you can go to the concluding post on the site proper. I'll just note who voted for which candidate.
Shawn Ashley: Pete Bruzek
Dan Kautz (DK): Pete Bruzek
Matt Novak: Pete Bruzek
Kelly Wells (Spookymilk): Pete Bruzek
Brooks Maki (Daneeka's Ghost): Pete Bruzek
John Wreisner: Pete Bruzek
Colin Woolston (Grey): Pete Bruzek
I'd love to play it all cool, but I was pretty excited to win. I'd been chasing it for four seasons now, and it was thrilling to get to experience it with a lot of the people that make the Casa de Leche the great community that it is.
This was an exhausting season. It seemed as though the 1000-word challenges started right around week three, and continued unabated after that. I burned out pretty seriously right around the merge, and combined with an extreme busyness in general life, it contributed to a few 'meh' entries. I think I caught a second wind about a month ago, though, and it kept me to the finish.
The actual strategies and whatnot of the season itself were talked about in serious depth last night, and I don't really have much to add to that. I'll just say that during this season, the talent level was insane. I was in constant awe at the writing, and everyone in the top 10 had the chops to pull off a win. I just happened to be given a ridiculous team, and circumstances ended up working to my favor through a combination of design and a bit of serendipity.
A sincere thank you to both DK and Spooky for their excellent judging.
A huge thank you to the Vogons. I can't imagine there will ever be another team like this.
ReplyDeleteGiving my team that obnoxiously long name was entirely too much fun. I also considered "Kelly Wells and Other People" since people who have a team named for them have never lost a single season of Spookymilk Survivor.
You called it early on in the season. Vogons gonna vogon.
ReplyDeleteGranted, I think just about everyone did. The first thing I emailed to DK post-draft was "Can we just fast-forward to where the Vogons have the final five players?"
ReplyDeleteYep, I said five. Good call, that one.
I also had my best year for winner predictions in a long two picks finished 2nd and 3rd.